Thursday, July 07, 2005

The Real Beginning

Leah got me started reading blogs on the internet, and I thought it would be fun to do one.

Tonight, I am sitting at home waiting for the rain. It’s supposed to rain very hard with huge thunderstorms and possible flooding-yay! I’ve always loved rain, and enjoyed evenings where you can just snuggle down on the couch, read, and listen to the drops beating on the windows. I think I like it b/c for some reason I feel like when it’s raining it makes it ok to be lazy. On a nice evening, if I stayed home by myself I would feel either like a loser for not having plans, or guilty for not accomplishing anything. When it rains, I can use that as an excuse, a justification. It’s a nice change.

I’m not calling John back. Am I sabotaging myself, or am I really not interested in him? He’s nice, family oriented, cute… but my shallow mind just can’t get past the fact that he says “ain’t”, and is obsessed with washing his truck, and actually hangs out at the club underneath the Tobacco Company. (Who does that?)

No, I’m right. We don’t have enough in common. Being with him would be settling for something, someone, that I don’t want, just to have a boyfriend. I have too much of a life to do that. Too many friends to have fun with. Too many people to meet. Too many adventures left. I don’t need a man, just for the sake of having a man.


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