Thursday, December 29, 2005

Going to the gym before work, day 2

My alarm went off at 5:58 and I groggily hit snooze. It took me a few minutes to figure out why it was going off so early and then I remembered - I had sworn that I would go to the gym before work today.

Motivating myself to go to the gym is never easy. I've tried bribing myself with the promise of making French Vanilla coffee as a treat for when I'm getting ready for work with moderate success. Sometimes it helps to envision how fun it will be to fit back into the several pairs of size 4 pants that I can no longer wear.

But the thing that works more often than anything else is when I think about what a waste the $40 that is coming out of my bank account monthly is going to be if I never get my butt there. $40 that could go to sushi dinners, or cute shirts, or kitchen gadgets. Yep, that's the way to really motivate a babe on a budget like me - threaten her with the thought of wasting money.

So it was harder to get up this morning, but just like yesterday once I was up it was fine. I'm annoyed at my own wimpiness in the mornings - usually I can go for 30 minutes on the eliptical, but this morning I was absolutely maxed out at 15. UGH. I'm allowing myself a bit of leniency since I'm not used to working out first thing in the morning, and will be working towards making it to at least 25 minutes.

Baby steps, I guess. I've already taken the huge step of committing the money every month and then dragging myself out of bed, and figure that even if I can only handle 15 minutes in the morning that something is better than nothing. And even though I'm sure to be in bed really early tonight, I feel good about the fact that I went.

Oh, what a girl will do to get back and then keep her trim waistline! *Sigh*


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