Tuesday, January 10, 2006

The stars really GET me

Ok, I'm not a huge horoscope person, but it is fun to check them. I have to say that lately they have been DEAD ON. Today, for instance:

Overall, the climate is tense, Rees. You'll be aware of a feeling of restlessness and a longing for change, but you'll also sense a reluctance to make any real moves in that direction. Your judgment tells you that complaints that don't lead to action are meaningless. So why not be the catalyst that provokes some action?

Humph. Intersting, huh?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What he said.

1:27 PM  
Blogger Erin said...

Clarification: the waiting tables would be here in Richmond while I'm exploring opportunities elsewhere (New York, Europe, etc.). AND it would be on an incredibly short-term basis with a lot of self-discipline involved. :)

1:47 PM  

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