Sunday, July 09, 2006

Addicted - Top Ten Reasons I Loved the Kelly Clarkson Concert

1. The name of her new tour is "Addicted" - cause you know you are.

2. She covered a Mark Broussard song.

3. She's not stick-skinny.

4. When she talks to the audience, she's very down-to-earth and humble.

5. She performed the entire concert barefoot.

6. She never once said the word "American" or the word "Idol".

7. No fake extensions - she sported a cute bob that anyone could pull off.

8. You can actually feel good about the little girls who were there looking up to her.

9. When she launched into Since U Been Gone, my brother and I went ape shit - along with the entire amphitheater.

10. It was the perfect last night hanging out with my brother before he heads back to his own hellish paradise.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I f*%king love Kelly Clarkson. It's true.
But I don't know if I could bring myself to go to her concert, I'm happy to live vicariously through you.

3:59 PM  

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