Thursday, May 31, 2007

Free porn

"... and that's my best porn story!" he exclaimed triumphantly. Driving past an adult book store had sparked the porn conversation between the two guys who were riding in my car on the way home from dinner last night.

"I've never been much for porn," the other one said. "I mean, I don't own any, or anything."

"I do," I said plainly.

"What?!?! You own porn?"

"Well, once I bought a couch from someone that I worked with, and a VHS tape labeled Puffy Little Nipples was shoved in between the couch cushions. I didn't really have any need for it, but I knew I'd never buy one myself, so I hung onto it. I figured, what kind of person throws away free porn, right? And shouldn't every well-rounded video collection have one porn tape? So I kept it."

"Dude, that just makes you all the awesome-er. Thank you, Rees, for being the girl who doesn't throw away free porn." A sincere compliment from the second one.

"You're welcome."


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