Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Tonight, she-J got drunk. It was all she could do.

Because today, he-J broke her heart.

I've been listening to the whole thing unfold for months now. They are more in love than almost anyone I've ever seen. They get each other.

But he-J is married.

He married a girl a week after he graduated from college. Since then he has lost over 150lbs. He's realized that he likes to go out. He loves doing theater. He loves music. He has a passion for people who live life to the fullest.

But his wife doesn't. She likes scrapbooking. She wants to be a stay at home mom. She doesn't get his jokes.

This morning his wife finally lit into him about she-J. Frankly, I can't believe it took this long. Their "friendship" is inappropriate. If they're ever going to fix the problems in their marriage, he can't see her anymore. He can't see her anymore.

Today, he-J couldn't get out of bed. She-J went over there and they went for a long drive. They decided not to see each other anymore. And then she-J started drinking.

I watched her drink. I listened to her story. I hugged her during the breaks in her cool when she cried. What else can I do? I am her friend. I am always on her side.

Besides, even if I wanted to advise, I wouldn't know what to tell her in this situation.

Because underlying it all - I'm a bit jealous of her. It's been a long time - if ever - since I've loved someone that much.


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