Thursday, May 10, 2007

Thanks, Captain Obvious

I've been home for less than forty-eight hours, and haven't entirely caught up on my sleep. For some odd reason, I've been actually rocking at work - completely on top of my shit, really feeling good about everything that is going on. Sending follow up emails to people I met in California, alerting customers about products that are almost out of stock, making more stops than usual in a given day, and really on point with product knowledge. It's been great.

Of course, the down side to all of this is that at the end of the day, I've been exhausted, but the second my head hits the pillow my mind starts running again. To-do lists, new ideas about projects to take on - all stuff that I'm really excited about, but that is preventing a restful slumber.

We're all pretty much feeling this way, I think. So when my co-workers and I were forced to volunteer three and a half hours tonight at a charity wine function, we were less than thrilled. But we put our best faces forward, armed ourselves with wine keys in our pockets, and stood behind the tables to face the Richmond swirling elite who had forked over $65/ticket for this good cause.

I was doing pretty well. The wines I was pouring were showing well and people were enjoying them. Of course, you saw all of the regulars - those 20 or so people who show up at every wine event in Richmond and feel like they know the reps personally. Which is fine - relationships are what this business is based on.

However, given my current state of tiredness, I think that being annoyed at this particular conversation was justified:

Regular-at-wine-tastings-guy-who-always-lingers-a-really-long-time-and-who-I-have-nothing-to-talk-about-with: So yeah, I'm not sure if I'll be at the tasting this Friday because it might conflict with my volleyball game.

Rees: Oh, you play volleyball?

Regular: Yeah, in two different leagues.

Rees: I was never big on volleyball. Always kinda afraid of the ball.

Regular: Well, you don't exactly have the physique to do all of that jumping around. Hope you don't mind my saying that.

Rees: (Blink, blink) Um yeah... so why don't you try the Merlot now?

That was when I knew I was ready to go home.


Blogger Leah McCombe said...

All I have to say is WTF mate!?

2:19 PM  

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